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We may share the feeling created by the summer clouds, full of moisture rising, ever rising and growing..... For me that is symbolic of those great Hot days of summer, sizzling! Love it! Calling all summer days... Been painting big sky paintings this last week or two.

Tried a new painting surface. My go to is Classens #20 oil primed canvas, I do love that surface and it is tried and true, centuries of history! Jerry's Artarama had a new surface that felt and looked good so I picked one to try, Rigid masonite with rough texture with a pine frame by DaVinci. Had a positive promo and I do like resistance to my brushes at times.... 

Critique: surface too rough, like sandpaper, scrapped the natural Hog Bristles off the brushes and I picked bristles from the painting for a day! and turned Flats into Filberts! Ha! OK I should have sanded the texture a little? Love the resistance of the hard surface and there are other products more friendly. Here's the kicker, While the painting was drying the masonite buckled.... literally bubbled between braces!!! it comes and goes but never flat again? I believe the structural integrity is fine and will be OK, but i am not happy or satisfied with that. I plan to check in with Jerry's next trip to Raleigh and see what says Mr. Jerry... Ill be it touch

Happy Painting and remember always Gratitude for all our Gifts

My first comments in blog space after nearly two years... therefore the title!!! this is the first of more to come. writing for myself is the point and will be combining painting with life and philosophy and whatever else comes out of this head. OK DOKEY ! starting with once a week and as momentum builds? who knows fo Sho! Cheers